My short film project "Demain les géants", which appeared a few months ago in "the art of short films" by Morten Enevoldsen, is on stand by because of lack of funding.
Although many people have believed in this project, it came unfortunately unnoticed by the CNC and Annecy festival board.
Currently still freelance (I'm working for Japanese studios non-stop) it is impossible for me to devote hours of work to this project without any possibility of funding.
As all my projects and creations reflect my life experience and feelings - constantly (fortunately) changing - this small project will have to be set aside for the moment.
But it will not disappear in my drawers, I promise you. It will just change a little bit.
I'll come back to it, with even more beautiful pictures and all that I will have learned during this time, in work and in life.
And that's something.
Here are some pictures (more soon):
*O* tu vas faire un court métrage! This is music to my ears! Ça a l'air tellement classe!
RépondreSupprimerI can understand it being difficult to find the time - but don't change it to much from what you want it to be!
Tu peux toujours essayer KickStarter comme autres gens qui ont envie de faire leur projets??
Bonne année et bon courage!
Great work, as usual. Very beautiful colours!
RépondreSupprimerVivement la suite :)
RépondreSupprimer@ Laurent:
RépondreSupprimerMerci pour l'encouragement! J'ai pensé en effet à Kickstarter mais il faut aussi pouvoir réunir un équipe pour ça et ce n'est pas chose faite vraiment aujourd'hui. De toutes façons le plus important c'est que, comme le temps passe, mes idées et mes points de vue changent et je ne suis pas sûr que la façon de raconter cette histoire soit la même aujourd'hui que quand j'ai monté le projet.
Mais rien n'est perdu!! Je le garde de coté quand j'aurai un peu plus de temps (et d'argent^^)!
@Andr-x: Thank you very much!! I'll have some more images to post, hope you'll like them!
@ Greg: tu parles de la boite?^^